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2018 年春、わたしたちは地域のみんなを巻き込んで大きな家族になろうと、casa そらをスタートしました。
思い返すとその数年前、きよっちゃんの『オレもうしんどいねん、帰ってきてくれへんか』という言葉を受けて、九州での焼き物修行を早めに切り上げて明石に帰ってきたわたしは、当時まだ casa メェ〜コッコとして親しく呼ばれていた家、それまで 10 年ほどの間にいろんな人が持ち込んで山積みになったさまざまなもの、とても楽しかったであろう思い出の名残りと向き合いながら、どうしたもんかと途方に暮れていました。



そして 2022 年から 2023 年 はわたしたちにとって大きな別れがあり、同時に大きく成長を促される、変容のタイミングとなりました。
casa そら設立当初から活動を支えてくださっていた支援者のおふたり、そしてこの家を建てた、casa そらの父とも言えるきよっちゃんの天国へのお引越し…


そう、もっと自由に、楽しく、広く活動するために、もう少し自由に、楽しく、広く活動資金を集められたら、もっと多くのみなさんをまき込んで、 楽しくて笑いにあふれたコミュニティが拡がっていくんじゃないかなと思い、casa そら独自でクラウドファンディング的募金システムを立ち上げます。


ホームページを見て、インスタを見て、YouTube を見て、Facebook を見て、口コミに乗って、出会いはどんなカタチでもウエルカムです。

世界のみなさんにわたしたちの小さなしあわせな日々を知ってもらえたら、きっと世界のそこかしこにみんなそれぞれの “casa そら” ができていくんじゃないかな。そしたらきっと世界はもっと温かくてし あわせになっているだろうな。

ククノチ族・casa そら代表 なかのあいこ

In the spring 2018 we started “Casa Sora”, involve everyone neighborhood or friends creating a “community family”.
Looking back around that time, a few years before this project started, in response to my farther Kiyoshi-chan's words “I'm bit too weak and tired to keep the place, why don't you come back home?" I ended my pottery training in Kyushu earlier and returned to Akashi where I grew up, and at that time It was still affectionately called “Casa Mee-Cocco” In fact I was at a loss as to what to do while, facing the remnants of memories and various things that had been brought in and piled up by various people over the past 10 years or so...

Eventually, I thought that if I cleared up this place of Chaos first, then I would see something and maybe I would receive some idea to follow. I loaded this and that into the small truck, went back and forth to the Incinerator and the scrap metal shop. Finally came into view of the walls and floors of the house, so I sat down on the floor and looked around.

This moment, suddenly I felt like I heard the voice of the HOUSE "Don’t worry. I will guide and show you the way what’s I want to be”. I came up with the idea that if we could respect this gentle will of the house and create a flow what everyone would happily gather, we might be able to create some kind of form.

After a few years of trial and error, I somehow came to see what I thought would make the House happy = what everyone around us would be happy with. Families in the neighborhood get together to eat, invite someone to sing for us or watch a beautiful movie together also we organize day camp adults and children all play together…and so on. Those seem like ordinary things, but they have been just a little bit special. We have been able to accumulate a wealth of heart-warming activities right next to our daily lives. We are grateful that we were able to continue our activities because of all people lives our neighborhood were filled with love and caring for each other. That makes us to feel so comfortable being here in this small society.

The period from 2022 to 2023 was a time for us to experience great sad separation but to be encouraged to grow and transform. Two person who has been supported our activities since the establishment of Casa Sora, and my farther Kiyoshi-chan who built this house means who can be said also father of Casa Sora, they all moved to the heaven ...

For us, something so big left us at a loss. What should we do from now on? But when we looked back and around on it, we realized that there were many treasures here and there. And above all, while watching the calm and happy appearance of the children gathered for the dinner at Everyone’s dining room (Minna-Syokudou), we realized that we had to protect this place and to keep running in the happy way ... so, we made up my mind once again.

Yes! I believe that if we could raise funds for our activities in a more free and fun way, we would be able to attract more people and create a community filled with fun and laughter.

So, we decided to launch our own crowdfunding system.

It makes everyone join us always, forever, without a goal.

Looking at our homepage, watching Instagram, watching YouTube, watching Facebook, riding word of mouth, we welcome encounters in any form. Whenever you like, click on the green onion held by the Kukunochi god! We would appreciate it if you could give us your support.

And finally, to set up a donation box on our homepage, Ao-chan, a lovely girl from Casa Sora, drew an illustration based on the image of Kukunochi, the god of trees. When I saw it for the first time, I couldn't help but smile, thinking what a calm, cute, and delicious world it was.
We would like everyone who lives nearby to feel free to come and join us and we would also like everyone who lives far away to visit us someday.
If everyone around the world gets to know about our small, happy days, I'm sure everyone will start creating their own “Casa Sora” all over the world. If we did that, I'm sure the world would be warmer and happier.

KUKUNOCHI tribe / Director of Casa Sora
Aiko Nakano
You can donate to us by credit card or bank transfer.
Please tap the illustration below to complete the procedure.
We will provide return gift for those who donate to us.


¥10,000~ 『みんな食堂』に一回無料ご招待
Once free ticket of ‘Minna-Syokudou’
¥30,000~ 絵本『あまびえさんのおはなし』
Picture book ‘story of Amabie’
¥100,000~ aico&hirokoの
Oracle card reading & flower essence counseling by Aico & Hiroko.
※対面もしくはオンラインでのセッションになります Session will be face-to-face or online.
Return gifts can only be delivered within Japan.
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